Interpreting services

You requi­re the ser­vices of an inter­pre­ter for your con­trac­tu­al nego­tia­ti­ons, nota­ri­al pro­ce­du­res or ano­ther type of busi­ness mat­ter? Then sim­ply cont­act us. We also pro­vi­de inter­pre­ting ser­vices for indus­tri­al plant tours and face-to-face dealings with public authorities.

We have the back­ing of a lar­ge net­work of fel­low pro­fes­sio­nals, mea­ning that the ser­vices of a top qua­li­ty inter­pre­ter will be quick­ly available for you, even if we are per­so­nal­ly other­wi­se engaged.

Important infor­ma­ti­on for nota­ri­al pro­ce­du­res. To enable us to pro­vi­de you with top qua­li­ty inter­pre­ting ser­vices for your appoint­ment with a nota­ry public, plea­se pro­vi­de us with the rele­vant docu­men­ta­ti­on as soon as pos­si­ble ahead of the sche­du­led date.

This will allow us to pro­per­ly prepa­re for the appoint­ment. Other­wi­se, the gene­ral­ly com­plex struc­tu­re of nota­ri­sed docu­ments can make it dif­fi­cult to deli­ver a smooth­ly-flowing, effi­ci­ent inter­pre­ta­ti­on. Wit­hout this level of pre­pa­ra­ti­on, it may be signi­fi­cant­ly more chal­len­ging to deli­ver a prompt inter­pre­ta­ti­on ser­vice in the par­ti­cu­lar ins­tance. This can lead to unneces­sa­ry addi­tio­nal cos­ts and pro­blems with the nota­ri­al office’s own appoint­ment schedule.

How can we help you?