Translation certification

What do we actual­ly mean by the “cer­ti­fi­ca­ti­on of a translation”?

Unli­ke the work per­for­med in a nota­ri­al office say, this endor­se­ment is not about con­fir­ming the authen­ti­ci­ty of signa­tures, or even attest­ing to the con­tents of a source docu­ment. It is ins­tead an offi­ci­al con­fir­ma­ti­on of the accu­ra­cy and com­ple­ten­ess of a trans­la­ti­on, as issued by a cer­ti­fied or offi­ci­al­ly appro­ved translator.

A cer­ti­fied trans­la­ti­on is gene­ral­ly requi­red when dome­stic or for­eign public aut­ho­ri­ties or agen­ci­es have to be able to rely on the con­tent of an offi­ci­al docu­ment draf­ted in ano­ther lan­guage. They need to know this in order to con­ti­nue pro­ces­sing the mat­ter at hand and, for exam­p­le, to issue a visa or an offi­ci­al aut­ho­ri­sa­ti­on, for example.