How we prepare quotations

We will deter­mi­ne your translation/interpreting ser­vice needs extre­me­ly careful­ly, to ensu­re you recei­ve pre­cis­e­ly the ser­vice you requi­re. Which docu­ments do you real­ly need to have trans­la­ted? And in what sequence? What docu­men­ta­ti­on needs an apos­til­le or lega­li­sa­ti­on docu­ment to be draf­ted? Are the­re any time limits in play? Is the­re any­thing else to consider?

We need to exami­ne your source mate­ri­al very clo­se­ly so that we can prepa­re a detail­ed quo­ta­ti­on that meets all your requi­re­ments. Email us your documents/files in a for­mat of your choo­sing, or upload them direct­ly here (insert link to cont­act page). If you want a cer­ti­fied trans­la­ti­on, we will usual­ly need to see the ori­gi­nal document(s).

Once that is done, you will quick­ly recei­ve a detail­ed, ite­mi­sed quo­ta­ti­on, set­ting out not only the sub­ject of our quo­ta­ti­on, but also the fee, deli­very date and other rele­vant details.

If you would like to know more about our working methods and qua­li­ty assu­rance, just go to Qua­li­ty.